Thursday, August 4, 2011

Family fun!

We started out the family fun with our nephew, Trenton's blessing. The next day we all ran our race together, then a couple days later we headed to Island park for a vacation. We stayed in a nice cabin and we had so much fun fishing & golfing (for the boys), swimming, playing some volleyball, going to Yellowstone, and enjoying some fresh air.
The kids getting ready for bed....
Playing some cards.
Enjoying the swimming pool.
In Yellowstone playing in a river while we had some lunch.

Me, Josh, Missy, and Bentley went on a little adventure and found some cool stuff. We stopped by this gorgeous lake and we talked to a ranger who told us about some cool hikes to go on. We found out that on this same trail someone had been killed by a bear a couple days earlier. The hike was absolutely gorgeous, but me and Missy were so scared of running into a bear. We sang the whole time and tried to be as loud as we could to scare them away. We saw some people coming back on the trail. They said they had seen a mama bear and 2 cubs a couple miles up the trail. It made us nervous, but Josh wanted to keep going. He had a gun for protection, but I still didn't feel safe. Luckily a thunder storm rolled in, so we decided to turn around. We were drenched when we got back to the car. I was just glad to be at the car and safe...

One of the many buffalo we saw. This one walked right in front of our car. It's amazing how big they really are.

Fishing off the dock. It was pretty cold and the fishing wasn't good.
Gramps, Bentley, and Brooke.

We managed to get a family pic, which can be hard with this many people.
Grams and Gramps with all the grand kids.
Island Park was absolutely gorgeous and we had so much fun spending time with the family.

On our way home from Island Park we met up with my family in Idaho for a Reunion with my moms side. We went to Downata Hot Springs. The water is so warm from the natural springs.

Enjoying some yummy breakfast.

We enjoyed going to the pool by our house one day.
Bentley loves to swim....


Harward Family said...

Lot's of fun pictures! It looks like you guys have been having such a fun summer!! Thanks for going swimming with us when we were in town. It was so Fun to see you guys!! I MISS YOU!!!

Gabe, Melissa, and Jace said...

Your family trip looked like a lot of fun! That would have been cool but scary if you saw a bear. Happy Birthday today too!!!

The Egan Family said...

Oh, how scary about the bear and the cubs! Thank goodness the weather didn't turn out! I think I would reacted like you :) What alot of fun pictures, isn't summer the best?!