Thursday, December 21, 2017

June and July

Bentley lost another tooth! She tied some string to her tooth and shut the door! And it worked! 

 This basically sums up our little Stetson. He loves to eat and he's all boy! He loved the dogs thrower so much that we bought him his own and he hasn't put it down. 

Me and the girls made some little fairy gardens one afternoon and they turned out cute! 
 We were able to walk through a couple of the parade houses that josh did this year. He's one talented guy and we loved seeing all his work! The girls loved the playhouse! 

 My dad turned 50 and look how good he still looks. He's a great dad and grandpa! 
We love to go to the park, especially since we have no yard. The girls did a fun neighborhood farm camp and loved it! 

 Haircut time for my girls. They love when I cut their hair! We also gave Stetson his first haircut. He laughed the entire time. He thought the clippers were hilarious! 

 More parade houses! Check out that cool archway Josh did! 

 More farm camp pictures. WE ended the week at the neighbors splash pad! 

 We are working on finishing our basement bathroom and I'm so excited about it. I'm loving the new cabinet! 

 More fun in the sun and breakfast in bed for Father's Day! The kids made it so special for Josh making him lots of fun gifts! 

 We met my family father's day night at the pond for fishing and dinner. We all had a great time and caught no fish! 

 First ice cream cone, ha ha!! 

We did a family "no sugar" challenge and the prize was a day to Lagoon. We took the girls and left stetson with a sitter. We had an absolute blast. The girls were not scared of any ride. Josh and I felt so sick by the end of the day! 

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