Friday, January 8, 2016

March happenings....

 I just love baby boy church clothes! So adorable!!

 They're finally starting to play together more! They even put on some bright pink lipstick!!

We are enjoying a nice warm day at Bryce's baseball game! Bring on Spring!!!

I recently started a new business being a health and fitness coach. That just means I get to help people on their health and fitness goals. I'm pretty nervous, but also excited for what is to come.... I've also recently lost all my baby weight and toned up. This is the fastest I've ever done it after having a baby! 

Sportsmans Expo catching some fish and petting some wildlife!!

Raegan is such a good little helper. I can't give Stetson a bath without her right next to me helping!! She's always soaking wet when we're done, but she feels pretty special to get to help mom.

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