Thursday, April 28, 2011

Josh's Birthday/Graduation

Well Josh has graduated from Paramedic school. I can't begin to say how proud of him I am. It has been a hard year not getting to see him much and pretty much feeling like a single mom. We went some weeks without seeing each other at all, but it has all been worth it. Josh has probably studied harder now than any other time in his life and learned so much. The first half of school was spent in a classroom for 9 hours a day 5 days a week which included lots of studying, lots of tests, and lots of stress. The second half of his schooling was spent doing clinicals where they were either at the hospital(in the E.R., labor and delivery, O.R.), and at various Fire Departments. They did 12 hour shifts at the hospitals and 24 or 48 hour shifts at the fire department. Sometimes he would go straight from the hospital to do a 48 hour shift at the Fire Department. It was crazy to say the least, but he did it and I can't believe how much he knows now. His Graduation was really nice, just short and sweet.
Shaking hands with some of the Chiefs of Departments he interned for.

Yay! You are done....
Josh and his dad.
Josh's Grandparents.
Josh and one of his friends and fellow classmate. They were together so much that a lot of the guys formed such a bond that I am sure will last a long time. Many late nights and hours studying and practicing skills together.
Josh and two of the main Paramedic instructors.
This was a cake I made for Josh. This was my second attempt at making a fondant cake and although it's not perfect I am pretty happy with how it turned out. Bentley gouged out a big chunk in the front, so I decided to make it look like a wound and cover it with a fondant band aid and it actually looked pretty good, thankfully.
The helmet was yellow cake with chocolate chip frosting.

We had a little party for Josh with friends and family. We also celebrated Josh's Birthday, since it was just a few days later.

Josh loved his cake and was very impressed with how it turned out. He took the leftovers to the Fire Station afterward and they were amazed that it was actually a cake. That made me feel pretty good!!
Bentley helping her dad blow out his candles. Wow he's getting old:)
Cutting into the cake. Everyone was dying that I was cutting into it after all that work, but I didn't mind since I got lots of pictures.
Enjoying some cake.
My mom made this cute Fire/Paramedic survival kit for Josh that had all kinds of fun stuff in it. She's so creative...


Gabe, Melissa, and Jace said...

Your cake was amazing and very yummy too! That will be so nice to have your husband back. We're so proud of him too. Happy Anniversary today too by the way!

The Egan Family said...

Congrats to Josh.. and Happy bday to him also! You did an AMAZING job on that cake, it looks awesome!

Harward Family said...

YAY for Josh being done! I am so happy for you guys! The cake that you made is AMAZING!! You did such a great job. You are very talented :)