Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Party & coloring eggs

We colored some easter eggs. Bentley had fun dipping the eggs in every color and then dipping them again to make different colors.

Bentley's finished eggs.
Bentley has been loving baby dolls lately and will sit like this and feed her baby forever.

We had a fun Easter party for the at the Ludwig's house. We had a good dinner, easter egg hunt for the kids, crafts, and fun goodies from grandma.
Bentley finding her eggs.

Waiting for the "GO" to find their eggs...


Brit said...

It looks like you guys had such a fun Easter! Bentley is such a cutie and getting so big!

The Egan Family said...

Love your easter eggs! I never got around to it this year, and now I'm kinda bummed I didn't do it!