Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Making Valentine sugar cookies for family night!
Bentley had her own few cookies that were hers to decorate. She loved it.
The poor girl has been so sick with RSV, sinus infection, and double ear infection and to top it all off she fell and hit her head on a stool we have in the kitchen and cut her head. We couldn't decide if we should take her in to get stitches since it would've only needed 2 or 3 stitches. She hit it on the corner of the bench, so there was a perfect hole in the back of her head. We watched it for a bit and decided not to go and it actually scabbed over pretty good. And now she is feeling better and getting over being sick. I am just ready for winter and all this sickness to be over....
Bentley decorating and eating her cookies.
Our finished cookies. Me and Bentley took these around to a few of her neighbor friends and she was so excited about it.
Josh brought home these pretty flowers for me for Valentine's Day. Bentley thought they were for her and wanted to carry them around everywhere.
Me and Bentley made Valentine cards for Josh and then decorated the table for dinner.
We had a yummy bowtie lasagna, corn, and heart shaped breadsticks. Me and Bentley had fun doing this.
Josh and Bentley eating some dinner.
Our valentines meal.
Bentley enjoying some sparkling cider in a glass cup, which only lasted a few minutes till she spilled everywhere:)
We had a fun Valentine's Day and hopefully you all did too!


Gabe, Melissa, and Jace said...

Looked like a fun valentines! Those heart breadsticks are so cute and look very yummy!

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Isn't it so fun getting into the holidays with kids?! How cute, your table looks so cute!

Poor Bentley, I'm so sorry she's been sick. We were all sick for 3 weeks as well and I'm feeling the same way.... so ready for winter to be over!

Harward Family said...

How fun!!! I loved the heart shaped rolls. Your table was decorated SO cute!! I got your message on my blog about coming out to visit...WE would LOVE to see you guys :)

The Egan Family said...

What a fun valentines day! Those cookies look yummy! Your decorations are adorable, love them!