Saturday, August 21, 2010

Salt Lake county fair

We recently went to the Salt Lake County fair with Josh's sister and her family! Bentley loved all the animals!
We let her go on a pony ride all by her self. She loved it and was really mad when we took her off!

There was a little petting zoo with ponies, goats, and bunnies. Bentley wasn't sure about them at first, but once she got over it she loved petting all the animals and feeding them!

The Taylors!!

Feeding the goat some carrots.

This little pony loved Bentley. She really liked the pony's hair. She kept petting it and saying, "pretty."

Bentley has a fetish for other people's shoes and cell phones!

Bentley's favorite things; her cousins, being outside, and popsicles


Gabe, Melissa, and Jace said...

The state fair looked fun!! I bet Bentley was loving the animals. She is such a cutie. I love the pic where shes wearing Joshs shoes, she's so funny!

Natalie said...

That looks like so much fun. We lived in Salt Lake for 2 years and never went, now I am regretting it.

Candice said...

Looks like you guys have had a fun summer! We missed seeing you guys at Rachel's shower. Hopefully we'll see you soon!