Monday, August 9, 2010

Provo 1/2, camping and more

Happy 25 to me!!!

I had a really good birthday! My poor sister and brother in law had their basement flood in one of the really bad storms. Most of their basement is ruined, but we are just happy no one was hurt. I was over there for a bit on my birthday, which I was so glad to be there and help. Then I went to lunch with a few friends and then went to dinner and cake at my parents. My sweet mom made me one of my favorite meals and strawberry shortcake after her long day of doing daycare! Thanks so much mom!!
Bentley thought it was her birthday and so she blew out my candles for me!!! I got some new running attire, decorations, magic bullet(which I absolutely love), clothes, I tunes gift cards, and lots of other fun stuff. Thanks everyone for all your love on my birthday!!!

I recently ran in the Provo canyon half marathon. It was so much fun. It was a beautiful run down the canyon and nice and cool! I felt great until about mile 12 when my knees started hurting. I am very glad I did it and I'm happy with my time, especially since I didn't get to train as hard as I wanted to! I got really sick like 2 weeks before, so I think that hurt my time a bit! My time was 2hr 10min. Next year I would really like to do it in 2 hours. Josh took this picture of me when I was about to cross the finish line. It's kind of hard to see me!

I think I will do this race again, so if anyone wants to do it next year let me know!!!
I can't believe I posted this pic. I look horrible, but oh well. My parents were so nice and took Bentley camping with them over the weekend. It was so nice to not have to worry about her and to be able to relax after my race.

We went camping to potter's pond with some friends. We had lots of fun sitting by the fire, fishing, and just relaxing in the mountains.

Bentley eating her tinfoil dinner which she loved!

Hanging by the fire!

Bentley helping her dad bait the fishing poles. She had her own Dora the Explorer pole and she actually caught a couple on it!

Me and Benltey waiting for the fish to bite!

Bentley helped her dad reel in a fish!

Josh's sister Missy stayed with us a while ago. We loved having her here and I loved having a running buddy! We went to the Lehi pool one day and had so much fun.

Me and Bentley in the pool. Bentley absolutely loves the water and could stay in there all day!

Missy and Bentley in the kiddie pool.


Gabe, Melissa, and Jace said...

Great job on the race, that is such an accomplishment. I deffinately want to do it next year with you! I wish we could have gone camping, we want to go with you next time, if there is a next time with Joshs crazy school schedule now...

The Egan Family said...

Happy Birthday Nicole!!! I envy you running a 1/2 marathon... I can't even run out to my car with out running out of breath! Looks like you guys had a fun camping trip :)

Staci said...

I think it's so cool you ran that race, I'd love to think that I'll run one someday but I've always loved that I can be done with a 5K in less than a half hour. :) Running is definitely something that I enjoy better when I'm in the canyon, especially when fall starts - GORGEOUS! I'm glad you had a good birthday!

Natalie said...

Wow, 12 miles, that is awesome. I would love to do that. Happy birthday, it looks like you had a good one.