Sunday, May 16, 2010


Josh and Bentley barbequing some yummy chicken for our sunday dinner!
We took Bentley swimming. After she got used to the chaos of all the other kids she loved it!

Josh and Bentley snoozing together!

Bentley has been doing a little music class for a few months! She has loved it and has learned so much! She loves music and is always trying to sing along with the songs.

Bentley loves the instruments. These are little shakers they do to the music!

This is Josh's new favorite thing.... A salt water fish tank! We bough this from my parents a couple weeks ago. Josh has been wanting one for so so long! Bentley loves to watch the fish swim.


Natalie said...

That music class looks like so much fun!! It is cute that she wants to sing along. :)

Cari Sorensen said...

Bentley is SO adorable! That music class looks fun! Is it just friends or is it at a school or something??