Friday, December 4, 2009


Bentley is so close to walking. She gets a little nervous when you let go of her hands, but we know she could do it on her own if she trys.
I watched my cute neice and nephew one day and we had so much fun. Bentley loves to be around them and they love her so much too.

This year for Thanksgiving we went to my Aunt Cary's house. She has a beautiful new home! We had an awesome dinner, then we played some games and hung out! It was a great day, I love being with family.

Josh and Gabe watching sports and looking at the Ads.

Bentley and her cousin Presley took a bath at my aunts, they were so cute together.

We played Bingo and won lots of fun prizes.

Here's my cute grandma shooting the pellet gun at the target, she's a good shot. We all took turns shooting the guns at some ice block targets, it was fun...

Bentley and her grandma and great grandma Baldwin.


Harward Family said...

I CAN NOT believe that she is almost walking!!! She is so adorable and I am so glad that you had a great Thanksgiving! I want to see you when I come out in December!!!

Robby and Rachel said...

It was so good to see you guys!! Bentley is way cute..

Kevin, Amanda & Braxton said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

Gabe, Melissa, and Jace said...

Thanksgiving was fun im glad we all got to be together this year!

DELYNN said...

So cute! she can't be old enough to be walking already! Wow.
We are going to be doing the tins on either wed or sat. at 8:30ish pm. Let me know if either will work for you, if not we can do it another time. Also, if you can email me your phone number i can either text or call you with my address. Thanks nicole!