Friday, December 18, 2009


December has been good so far, really busy, but so fun! We just love the holidays...
Bentley is 11 months now and loves to take all the toys out of her bucket and all my tupperware out of the cupboard. Last night she took her first steps, 4 in a row! We were so excited ...
We went to my parents house for my moms Birthday! My dad gave Bentley a whole plate of avacodos and she was in heaven!

Bentley enjoyed helping her grandma open her presents! We love you mom...

We had a holiday boutique at my mom's house and it went really well. I sold jewelry, my friends sold baby flowers and leggings, and my mom sold some home decor stuff. It went really good and was so much fun!!

Bentley sat on santa's lap at our ward party. She wasn't quite sure about him, but she never cried!

Bentley and our Christmas tree!!!

Bentley trying out the lights....
We hope you all have a very merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Gabe, Melissa, and Jace said...

I can't believe Bentley is almost one! She is so big. I heard about your guys's crazy night hope you guys are feeling better. Let me know if i can do anything.