Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bentley is 5 weeks old

Today Bentley is 5 weeks old. I cannot believe how fast that went by. I start back to work next week. I am kind of sad to leave her, even though I will only be working two days a week, it's still probably going to be hard to be away from her all day. My mom is going to watch her for us, so at least we don't have to worry about taking her to some random daycare! She is a good baby and we love her so much! She finally figured out the breastfeeding thing after 4 weeks of trying, so no more pumping every 2 hours for me, yeah!!! Last night we decided to put her in her crib in her own room. We put her down at 9 and figured she'd cry for awhile, but she was just in there cooing away and put her self to sleep. I had to keep going in and checking on her to make sure she was okay. She usually wakes up a couple times in the night, which is way better than what it used to be.

She only likes this huge binki from the hospital. I want her to take the cute bling ones I have, but she just likes this one I guess...

So me and my sister, Melissa decided to play dress up with Bentley and take some pictures. She wasn't too happy with us and she wanted that tutu off!
Bentley on Valentines Day. We didn't really do anything special that day. We just hung out and watched a movie!

Bentley loves her bathtime as long as you keep her warm. I am so glad she is so good when we give her a bath, it makes it so much easier.


Kendall said...

Oh my goodness she is SO cute! I love the picture of her in the tutu!

Jessica, McKay, Riley & Kayden said...

She is so cute. I love all her bows and outfits. It sounds like she is a really good baby. Kayden still gets up 4-6 times a night. You look great.

Heather said...

So cute! I totally understand about the binky thing! Brooke still only wants the soothie hospital ones, we've tried them all, but only the big ugly green ones will suit her, even after 11 months! Whatev...

Cari Sorensen said...

I can't believe it has already been 5 weeks! Crazy how time flies! You look like you are a great mom, and I'm glad breast feeding is working for you two now!
Target has cute binky holders for those ugly green ones, they are kind of funny because they are so big, but they have flower ones for girls that I think are adorable! And I think Target has pink soothie binkies too! Miss you!

Cole and Stephanie Fowler said...

She is such a pretty baby!

Natalie said...

You are such a cute mom. I love the tutu, what fun are girls if you cant dress them up every once in a while. :)

Harward Family said...

Nicole I can't believe that she is already 5 weeks old!! I am really glad that she is finally eating for you:) She is just so CUTE and she has the cutest outfits and bows what a stylish little girl you have!

Love said...

Doesn't it just seem like you had her yesterday? And now she is almost 6 weeks old!? Crazy! She is just so cute, and of course we know she is going to have the cutest outfits and accessories like her mom!


What a little cutie! She definitely takes after her mommy. Ha ha Jk Josh you are cute to. Lets hang soon! ~Terry