Tuesday, January 20, 2009



So Saturday the 17th was my due date and I'm still here! I have been doing everything I can to try and make her come. I have been walking a couple miles a day, eating spicy food, and all the other things you hear about! I went to the doctor yesterday hoping he would tell me I was dilated some more, but I am still at a 1. He said I am very thinned out, but that I will most likely have to be induced, which will be on Monday the 26th. I was pretty bummed and tried to hold back the tears! So I guess I will just be hangin out for a week with nothing to do. My house is spotless and everything is done, so I need to figure out something to do with my time which should probably be to get some sleep, but I am too ADD to do that!


Heather said...

Well if you need a lunch date to get out of the house let me know! Some people also jump on tramp's to help, but make sure you go to the bathroom before hand... a baby landing on your bladder will force things out no matter how hard you hold it! ;)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I'm sorry to hear you are still waiting. I know it is hard to be patient! I have a baby gift for you that I've got to give you some time. Are you going to be out at your mom's anytime soon?

Harward Family said...

Nicole I am so sorry that you have to wait another week! I can only imagine how frustrated you are getting. The room looks great and I hope that she decides to come before Monday! I wish I lived there so we could hang out and pass the time. Miss you and good luck!

Love ya!


OH My Heck! I'm so sorry you're over due. I hope she decides to come tomorrow, instead of having to wait six more days. By the way you look so dang cute.

Brit said...

I'm sooo sorry! I'm sure you are so uncomfortable, but at least she will for sure be here by monday. You look amazing by the way! I'm pretty sure I was twice your size when I was that pregnant LOL.

Gabe, Melissa, and Jace said...

You poor thing, hang in there sista! Are you feeling better today? I can't wait to see her. I hope I look as good as you when i'm 9+ months pregnant:)

Love said...

I agree with your sister! I sure hope that I look as good as you when I am 9 months pregnant! I have been wondering if you had her yet! Im sorry Nicole!

Katie Jean said...

im sorry! i feel for you! i was 5 days overdue and it was so hard! hang in there. and the baby's room is darling! good job!

Cole and Stephanie Fowler said...

Maybe she'll decide to make a surprise visit before Monday. Good luck! And yes you are one cute pregnant girl!

Dana said...

Congrats! I heard you had her! Can't wait to see pictures... I hope everything went smooth!